Vacant seat number in the EU for Antichrist ?

Due to numerous searches of the number 666th seat in my site.

I’m posting about it today

So is someone sitting in the 666th seat? The answer is, no one is sitting. Specifically, its a vacant seat. Some say that no one will ever sit on that number because it will start controversies that he or she is an Antichrist. But I dont know why it’s vacant. I can only give you the arrangement of the seats near it.

Here’s the sitting arrangement from 655 to 679 :

655 Couteaux
656 Fitzsimons
657 Hyland
658 Kuntz
659 De La Perrière
660 Marchiani
661 Montfort
662 Quiero
663 Souchet
664 Thomas-Mauro
665 Zissener
666 ——-
667 Cappato
668 Turco
669 Bonino
670 Pannella
671 Dupuis
672 Della Vedova
673 Dell’Alba
674 Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso
675 Gobbo
676 Speroni
677 Bossi
678 Formentini
679 Crowley

source :

Thank you for reading.